We need each other.

Your family is a big deal to us. We believe the church is a family, too. That's why we intentionally seek to connect everyone across the generations to worship, learn, and serve together.

At the same time, we know each season of life brings different needs and abilities. That's why we have crafted ministries that meet us right where we are.


Kids' Worship is an opportunity for Preschool and Elementary School students during the latter portion of the 9:30 a.m. worship service. Kids will be dismissed just prior to the sermon and join the Kids' Worship team for a time specially designed for them.

Sunday School is for kids of all ages at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday morning (September-June). Opportunities include Middle & High School girls and Middle & High School boys classes.


Middle School and High School students are not the church of tomorrow... THEY ARE THE CHURCH TODAY.

You'll find students on the stage, behind the scenes, in the classroom, and leading us as we serve.

Sunday morning sees classes designed especially for Elementary students, Middle & High School boys, and Middle & High School girls.

Middle & High School Youth Groups meet Thursdays, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Students come together to have a ton of fun and deepen their walk with Jesus. (September-June)


Adult classes meet on Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. Adult classes provide an opportunity to grow more deeply in your knowledge of Scripture, tackle real-life topics from a biblical standpoint, and grow in relationships with others in a small group setting. (September-June)

Mid-week Bible studies are available for both men and women mid-week.

PrimeTime is an occasional gathering for senior adults with food, fellowship, and a special speaker.